Tips on How to Travel on a Budget

You can tour places without breaking the bank. With proper plans and that thrifty spirit, it is possible to travel around the world on a budget. But first things first, make sure your travel documents, including your passport, are valid. You should also find out if there are special requirements to enter some countries. For example, some require citizens of certain countries to apply for a visa in advance.

You need to familiarize yourself with those unique requirements. For instance, Hungarians visiting Canada should acquaint themselves with the Hungarian travel checklist for Canada, which includes an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA).

With your travel documents ready, you are set to travel. Below are tips that can help you travel on a budget:

Make a Plan

While spontaneous trips can be fun, you cannot afford to do so if you are taking them on budget. It would be best if you had a plan of the places you will visit and the route that you will use to see all those attractions that you desire to see. It would also be better to decide the time you will spend in each city or place. Early plans will also enable you to book your air ticket and accommodation. The reason is that last minute tickets and accommodation are quite expensive.

Save on Accommodation

Forget about getting accommodation in hotels and be creative in seeking other options. Hostels are great saving options. You could also consider sharing a room with another person, so you share the cost. You may also rely on websites like Airbnb to get accommodation in local peoples’ houses. It can save you almost half the accommodation amount you would have spent. You will also get to have a feel of the real, local life. If you know people in the places you are touring, you can stay with them. Such people could be relatives, former schoolmates, and friends.

Go for Your Trip Off-season

For significant savings, avoid traveling during school holidays. Most families tend to go on vacation during those holidays. To know the off-season, ask which the best times to visit certain places are. Then visit the venues before or after those times. You will not have to queue for long in the airport and other areas due to few travelers.

However, you may need to be prepared to cope with bad weather. At times, the weather may not be the best during some of the off-season. The air ticket and accommodation also tend to be cheap in the low seasons since the airlines and hotels try to attract customers by reducing their prices.


As you travel on a budget, you also have to avoid eating in hotels because they are expensive. Instead, buy food items from supermarkets or eat where the locals do.…

Backpacking Tips For Beginners

Backpacking is something worth trying if you are looking for adventure. If you are looking to test your limits and ability to go beyond your comfort zone, try backpacking. Backpacking teaches you endurance and your survival abilities. When it comes to backpacking, you need to do adequate preparation.

With proper preparation, it will be easy to overcome the challenges that come with backpacking. You need to make sure that you know what to expect and to carry for your trip. Here are some backpacking tips that you need to keep in mind as a beginner:

Prepare Your Body

It is essential to start with practice. Backpacking is not something that you start doing out of nowhere. You should do adequate preparation. Prepare your body so that by the time you go backpacking, you are physically fit.

To be successful, start by doing exercises a few weeks before the trip. The backpacking process can be intense and physically straining. Your body should be ready to take all the stress that comes with backpacking, so doing adequate preparations can be very helpful.

Get The Right Backpack

You need to get the right gear for backpacking. Start by buying a good backpack that fits your body correctly. Buying a good quality backpack can make all the difference.

You need a backpack that feels good on your shoulders and does not strain your back. It is also essential to get the right size for your backpack so that you can fit everything that you need in the bag.

Shoes And Other Accessories

Apart from buying a good backpack, you also need good shoes. Backpacking involves a lot of walking, and you must have the right shoes. You need to buy shoes that are a size bigger so that you can remain comfortable.

Your legs will be swollen, and shoes that are a size big will accommodate that. It is also advisable to get other accessories like a walking stick and a hat to protect you from sunlight.

Eat High Protein And Stay Hydrated

You should eat high protein. You should have enough energy to walk all day and have the ability to push in hard conditions.

Carbs are not ideal because they will make you feel sluggish. Having a can of peanut butter in your bag can come in handy whenever you want an instant boost of protein.…

Safety Travel Tips to Keep in Mind

Safety is essential when traveling. You need to make sure that you keep your property safe and you also remain safe. When traveling to a new country, safety concerns always come up. It is important to think about safety so that you do not get into trouble or get injured.

Safety when traveling is all about keen about your environment and putting some strategies in place for your safety. Seasoned travelers have learned through experience how to stay safe while on the move. Here are some safety travel tips to keep in mind:

Keep Your Document Safe

Keeping your documents safe should be your first priority. Take time and photocopy all your documents so that you can have copies whenever needed. Losing your passport can be very frustrating, and you need to avoid it at all costs.

You need to keep your travel documents in a bag that cannot be snatched on the streets when on the move. Keeping your documents safe will help you eliminate a lot of stress when traveling.

Pack Light

Packing light can help you with safety. You do not have to carry anything that you do not plan to use. When you pack light, it means that you have one less thing to think about.

Having several suitcases means that you are at risk of losing all your stuff. Try and minimize your travel bag to have only things that you are sure that you are going to use.

Use Maps

Do not be afraid to use maps while traveling. Google maps are entirely accurate, and they can help you to track your way in case you get lost. Most of the time, it is advisable to use google maps instead of asking for help.

Asking for help makes you feel vulnerable. You are also likely to attract people who will take advantage of you when you are lost. Technology has now made it possible to have audio maps that give you direction while on the move.

Extra Money And Credit Cards

Do not carry all your money when on the go. Always make sure that you have some extra money somewhere in case something happens.

Keep money for emergency purposes in case you need extra money. The same applies to credit cards. Always have credit cards that you can use in case the need arises, and you have lost your credit cards.…